@JamesT see this for the audit log
Nailed that one down in v1.2.6
@Knusperhaus is this something for concern?
2024-08-07T14:37:08Z diode-node.diode-node[2516975]: 14:37:08.026 [warning] WSConn did not receive a block from Elixir.Chains.Diode (wss://prenet.diode.io:8443/ws) since quad interval. Restarting...
2024-08-07T14:38:06Z diode-node.diode-node[2516975]: 14:38:06.712 [warning] Elixir.Network.EdgeV2 Handshake error: {:tls_alert, {:insufficient_security, ~c"TLS server: In state hello at tls_handshake.erl:354 generated SERVER ALERT: Fatal - Insufficient Security\n no_suitable_ciphers"}} {:ok, {{107, 172, 104, 52}, 43598}}
2024-08-07T14:39:03Z diode-node.diode-node[2516975]: 14:39:03.595 [error] Network.Rpc: ErlangError %FunctionClauseError{module: Base16, function: :decode_int, arity: 1, kind: nil, args: nil, clauses: nil} in {"dio_traffic", [1284, nil]}: [{Base16, :decode_int, [nil], [file: ~c"lib/base16.ex", line: 39]}, {Network.Rpc, :execute_dio, 2, [file: ~c"lib/network/rpc.ex", line: 245]}, {Network.Rpc, :execute, 2, [file: ~c"lib/network/rpc.ex", line: 95]}, {Network.Rpc, :handle_jsonrpc, 2, [file: ~c"lib/network/rpc.ex", line: 53]}, {Network.RpcHttp, :"-do_match/4-fun-3-", 2, [file: ~c"lib/network/rpc_http.ex", line: 37]}, {Network.RpcHttp, :"-dispatch/2-fun-0-", 4, [file: ~c"/home/dominicletz/projects/diode/diode_traffic_relay/deps/plug/lib/plug/router.ex", line: 246]}, {:telemetry, :span, 3, [file: ~c"/home/dominicletz/projects/diode/diode_traffic_relay/deps/telemetry/src/telemetry.erl", line: 321]}, {Network.RpcHttp, :dispatch, 2, [file: ~c"/home/dominicletz/projects/diode/diode_traffic_relay/deps/plug/lib/plug/router.ex", line: 242]}, {Network.RpcHttp, :plug_builder_call, 2, [file: ~c"lib/network/rpc_http.ex", line: 4]}, {Plug.Cowboy.Handler, :init, 2, [file: ~c"lib/plug/cowboy/handler.ex", line: 11]}, {:cowboy_handler, :execute, 2, [file: ~c"/home/dominicletz/projects/diode/diode_traffic_relay/deps/cowboy/src/cowboy_handler.erl", line: 37]}, {:cowboy_stream_h, :execute, 3, [file: ~c"/home/dominicletz/projects/diode/diode_traffic_relay/deps/cowboy/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl", line: 306]}, {:cowboy_stream_h, :request_process, 3, [file: ~c"/home/dominicletz/projects/diode/diode_traffic_relay/deps/cowboy/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl", line: 295]}, {:proc_lib, :init_p_do_apply, 3, [file: ~c"proc_lib.erl", line: 241]}]
Thanks for reporting itās not a functional issue but means that something didnāt work with the metrics reporting for the dashboard. Weāll address it.
Would this issue cause the node to sometimes show as gray on the map when it is really online?
I provisioned a GCP instance and noticed the following. the node picks up the private ip address instead of the public ip when exposed through the firewall on Google Compute Cloud.
== Diode Node 0x97f083027fe2943556e7073a387ee0cbca511df3 ==
Name : salmon_dutch@ta-nodelite-001-1408-24
Version : 1.2.7
Uptime : 3254
Connected Devices: 1
Connected Peers : 6
Current Epoch : 664
Ticket Score : 0
Previous Epoch : 663
Ticket Score : 0
Dashboard : Diodeā¢ Network
I resolved this by running snap set diode-node host=ip-address
try snap set diode-node host=public ip address and it should resolve any issue, I noticed sometimes that it picks up the private ip and doesnt route properly
Hey there,
we have released v1.2.8 of the lite node snap and it will come via the edge distribution channel. Most importantly it brings auto-discovery of the correct public ip address and cleans out stale node entries in the distributed hash table (DHT).
This is also reflected in the diode network map Diodeā¢ Network - Stale nodes are now removed and all listed nodes should be showing their node information correctly.
Hi Dom
Is it possible to remove registered nodes in the ambassador registrar? This feature may reduce junk on the network?